Course description

An overview

The PhD course in 'Classic Grounded Theory' is a generic PhD course that aims to acquaint PhD students with the methodology of the classic grounded theory.

We target PhD students who are planning to employ and/or already employing grounded theory methodology and who may seek/need support in their efforts to successfully employ the grounded theory methodology.

By the end of the course the PhD candidates will have gained knowledge, skills and competences in (a) designing (classic) grounded theory methodology, and (b) implementing (classic) grounded theory methodology. The course programme can be accessed here.

The delegates will have the opportunity to meet three distinguished GT scholars and practitioners who are invited as guest lecturers: Dr. Andy Lowe of Grounded Theory Institute in California; Dr. Wendy Guthrie, researcher and clinical hypnotherapist, UK, and Dr. Michal Lysek, Senior Development Engineer at HMS Industrial Networks, Sweden. The course faculty includes Prof Romeo V. Turcan of Aalborg University who also is the course coordinator.

The course is delivered using a mixture of lecture-based and interactive teaching methods, including 2 group assignments and feedback to PhD candidates on their identified issues and challenges as well as a public lecture also offered to non-participants. The course faculty will share their experience of doing GT research, GT PhD, employing GT tools, followed by Q&A from the delegates; will take part in an open public debate/panel; and during the course, will mentor and coach course participants on a one to one basis.

During the course, the participants will work on 2 assignments in groups, present them and receive feedback from course lecturers: Assignment 1: Designing GT methodology before entering the field and Assignment 2: Implementing GT methodology while in the field (adjustments/tailoring will be made based on PhD students application essays)

This is a 5 ECTS PhD course. The course admits min 10 and max 20 students.

Registered Docotoral Researchers will have full access from October 18 to the course programme and material via course Intranet. Upon receiving the registration fee, each student will get an e-mail with log-in instructions. Any queries about course intranet shall be directed to the PhD Course Secretary.

Pre-course requirements for the course delegates

The applicants either plan to do a GT PhD or are already doing one and shall be prepared to present their future plans or the data they have already created.

key literature

Each delegate should have got familiarized with the following 6 books prior to joining the course:

  • The Discovery of Grounded Theory [Glaser & Strauss, 1967]
  • The Basics of Grounded Theory Analysis [Glaser, 1992]
  • Doing Grounded Theory [Glaser, 1998]
  • Theoretical Sensitivity [Glaser, 1978]
  • Theoretical coding [Glaser, 2005]
  • Memoing [Glaser, 2014]


DL1: OCT 11, 2021 - Essay submission. Please go to 'application' to start the application process.
DL2: OCT 15, 2021 - Essay acceptance.
DL3: OCT 25, 2021 - Registration and payment of course fee. Early 'registration' is strongly encouraged.

Participation fee is 300 EUR to cover course related activities (the fee applies to all applicants). Each participant is responsible for his/her own travel and accommodation.

The course that takes place on NOVEMBER 1-5, 2021, hosted by the Aalborg University Business School.

Any queries about application, registration and administration, please contact the PhD Course Secretary, Michael K. Simonsen.

More about the phd course

Contact the host






Michael K. Simonsen