
"I took this PhD course in the fourth year of my Doctoral program. Before coming to the course, I had already published a qualitative paper, which I claimed followed the principles of Grounded Theory. However, attending this course, I got to learn the Classical Grounded Theory technique that is developed by Barney Glasier. The instructors of the course did a fabulous job in highlighting the nuances in the various forms of Grounded Theory techniques. Moreover, the applied and practical nature of this course i.e., through assignments and presentations, trained me well to understand the process of theory building. Apart from the process of Grounded Theory itself, instructors also enlightened the students on the activities associated with the technique, such as conducting interviews, identifying relevant participants, formatting the paper, and responding to reviewers. The one-on-one session towards the end of the course was extremely beneficial. With only a year left to defend my dissertation, I now feel even more confident and certain to successfully finish the qualitative chapter. I wish I had taken this course earlier in my doctoral program. Therefore, I highly encourage every PhD student in management domain or elsewhere to take this course and get trained in the process of theorizing. No matter what methodologies you plan to follow in your program, being acquainted with the process of theorizing and theory building is a fundamental knowledge to have under your belt, and this course is the perfect platform to get started."

- Muhammad Hasan Ashraf, University of Rhode Island

"I attended the TBRP course when I was a one year into my PhD journey. The experience was stimulating and inspiring and it gave me new insights and skills for my PhD. The course pushed me out of my comfort zone and provided me with fresh research ideas as I felt I gained new views and motivation. Fantastic professors who made highly abstract subject approachable and practical. I would advocate that all doctoral students attend this course because theorizing is an essential ability for every scholar."

- Unnar Theodorsson, University of Iceland

"This course helped me a lot to practice different theory building strategies and gain insights on grounded theory! I enjoyed intensive learning, working on exercises in teams and great socializing activities around Aalborg. I believe that this course contributed a lot to my PhD journey! I am grateful to prof. Romeo Turkan and prof. Andy Lowe for sharing such a valuable knowledge on different theorizing strategies. Both professors were walking us through the key steps from pure empirical data towards analysis and developing rigorous theoretical contributions. Also, I am grateful for the feedback each course lecturer gave on each PhD student’s research. My key takeaways from this course are: trust in emergence, be reflective, focused, and sometimes critical to what you read, practice substantive and theoretical memoing when analyzing data. Next, I will try to implement all these learnings in my PhD research-in-progress papers and will practice developing theory with classic or inspired grounded theory approach. Finally, I want to say thank you to the participants for engaging intellectual discussions!"

- Kateryna Kryzhanivska, LUT University

"It was a good experience for me to attend this course. We not only learnt the theories, but also practiced how to apply these theories in the course assignments. After this course, I laso know more about the Grounded Theory and I really think I would use it in the near future. The Grounded Theory method helps building theory from real data rather than previous theory, which is really interesting. As a researcher who is interesting in qualitive analysis, this course helped me a lot and provided more potential choices for future research."

- Weina Meng, Sino-Danish Centre

"The TBRP course was an intentsive week that challenged me in a good way. I am very happy to have taken part in this course, whereas theorizing and theory building is an important step in research that could unfortunately be easily missed in the PhD process. What we learned this week I am sure I will be taking with me throughout the remainder of my research career."

- Erika Susan Dietrichson, Dannish Technical University

"I highly recommend the TBRP course series to all the PhD candidates. I took the “Narratives and Discourse Analysis” and “Theorizing and Theory Building in Management Research” courses, and I really learned a lot from these courses. “Be open-minded” and “trust in emergence” gave me much inspiration for my research and my future career. The hands-on exercises and one-to-one feedback sessions are exciting and practical. In addition, the interactions with experienced professors and excellent classmates enriched my research ideas greatly. Do not miss these courses!"

- Ge YAO, Sino-Danish Centre

"It was so nice to attend the course and get some hands-on training on theory building. The assignments were great, especially the second assignment. We could learn memoing, coding, and theory building by keeping our minds open. It was so amazing to see the theories emerging! For most of us, it was a new, fun, and beneficial way of learning!"

- Syed Ahmed Tajuddin, Aalborg University